Impact grant helps Harlan Christian Youth Center do more

Here at the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne, we are very proud to be able to give grants from our Community Impact Fund. This fund is comprised of contributions from many different donors in our community. We want to share with you some of the success stories that came from the Impact fund.

This story comes from the Harlan Christian Youth Center. The HCYC has been in operation since March of 1999. The HCYC mission is “to reach youth who need emotional and spiritual support and guidance to mature into loving and caring adults.” How great is that?!

When asked how the CFGFW has impacted their ability to achieve the HCYC mission, they explained that the Impact grant gave them the ability to purchase new computers that have helped children with their homework, as well as offering them the opportunity to gain sufficient typing skills. Along with keeping the children motivated to finish their school work, the Impact fund granted them the ability to sustain their operating budget in a way that allows them to keep their doors open to all children.

The generosity of the CFGFW Impact fund has inspired the HCYC to continue their efforts in making our community a better place. They say that with the support and involvement of the CFGFW over the past several years they have been able to grow their endowment fund and gain helpful tips and resources on sustaining their wonderful impact in our community.

Written by: Taylor Dodson
