Donors Equip Anthis Career Center Grads with Chromebooks

In a world where technology is increasingly vital to educational success, two visionary fund holders, through the Gallegos-Blaettner Family Fund, have partnered with the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne to provide Chromebooks to graduating students of Anthis Career Center annually. Recognizing that access to technology is a critical component of modern education and understanding the financial challenges many students face, these generous donors aim to remove a significant barrier to success. By equipping students with Chromebooks, they ensure that these young individuals can seamlessly transition to college or trade school. This initiative is more than just a distribution of devices; it represents a profound belief in the potential of each student and provides them with the necessary tools to achieve their dreams.

Each year, during Anthis Career Center’s year-end awards ceremony, selected students receive their Chromebooks and a special letter of encouragement from the donors. This personal touch adds a meaningful dimension to the gift, inspiring and motivating recipients by reminding them that their community believes in their potential and is invested in their success. The partnership with the Community Foundation ensures this initiative’s efficient and effective management, allowing the fund holders to focus on their philanthropic goals. This unique approach to philanthropy highlights how targeted support can make a lasting impact, empowering students to pursue higher education or vocational training with confidence and hope.

If you have a unique idea for mobilizing your philanthropy, contact us. Our team is eager to help you explore your vision and partner with you to make a meaningful impact!


