Current Donors

Once you’ve established a fund with the Community Foundation, we make giving through your fund easy, convenient, and meaningful. The Community Foundation’s secure Donor Portal lets you manage your fund online by viewing your fund balance, submitting grant recommendations, and viewing past grants.

Our donor portal allows fund advisors to see the most recent transactions in regards to their fund. The portal is available 24 hours a day and can be accessed through our website. If you have questions please contact Colleen Helmken.

  • Monthly Statements will post directly to the Donor Portal under the Statements Tab.
  • Most recent transactions will post on the account’s main page when you log in.
  • Accounts will be able to review all pending and completed grants paid from the account using the “Grants” option in the menu bar.
  • You will be able to give to your fund through the portal.

I haven’t receive the auto-generated email yet. What should I do?  
Check your Spam or Junk folder for an email from Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne with the email [email protected]. If it hasn’t arrived within an hour, please email [email protected] so that we can re-send the information you will need to get up-and-going.

I don’t understand how to navigate the portal. Where can I get help?  
You can watch our video tutorial above. If you still have questions, reach out to our team by calling 260-426-4083.

The URL only worked the first time. How do I return to the portal?  
The custom URL inside the auto-generated email should only be used to establish your password.  Take note of your username and the password you select and then visit our donor portal to access the system at any time.

I’ve lost my password. What should I do?  
For security reasons, the CFGFW team does not have the ability to access your password. You can reset your password on the donor portal login page. If you still need assistance, please email [email protected] or call 260-426-4083 for assistance.

Donor Portal Tutorial

Watch our donor portal tutorial video to find out how to navigate our portal!