Support local nonprofits during our 7th annual #GivingTuesdayFW Challenge!
From November 1 to November 20, The Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne challenges all nonprofits with endowment funds at the Foundation to raise money for their endowments. Over the past 4 years, we’ve averaged $93K raised annually for nonprofits. Gifts to eligible endowment funds receive a 20% match from The Community Foundation. The top-raising organizations from our five Let’s Rise! Vision plan pillars will receive a surprise unrestricted gift on December 3, in celebration of #GivingTuesday.
*Click on the pillars below to explore the list of participating agencies.

Allen County Public Library Foundation
Allen County Public Library Monroeville Branch
Amani Family Services Endowment
Animal Care & Control / Helen M. Adams *
Easter Seals ARC of Northeast Indiana
Associated Churches Foundation*
Fort Wayne Sister Cities International / Chapman Exchange Students Fund
Greater Fort Wayne / Leadership Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne Jewish Federation
Fort Wayne Public Television – PBS 39
Fort Wayne Sister Cities International, Inc.
Fort Wayne Trails
Fort Wayne Urban League Inc.
German Heritage Society
Humane Fort Wayne
Junior League of Fort Wayne
Northeast Indiana Public Radio (WBNI-WBOI)*
Salvation Army
Soarin’ Hawk Raptor Rehab
Three Rivers Junction Playground*
United Way of Allen County*
Wellspring Summer Camp David B. McCracken Fund
Young Leaders of Northeast Indiana (YLNI)
*A nonprofit with an asterisk listed beside their name is NOT eligible for the 20% match because they follow a different spending policy than the Community Foundation. They are still eligible for the #GivingTuesdayFW Challenge surprise.
**Any nonprofit with two asterisks listed beside their name is not eligible for the 20% match due to already meeting the match maximum. They are still eligible for the #GivingTuesdayFW Challenge surprise.
Allen County Courthouse Preservation Trust *
Allen County Historical Society / History Center
Allen County Parks & Recreation*
American Guild of Organists / Irene S. Ator Music Scholarship*
The Arena Dinner Theatre
Artlink Inc.*
Audiences Unlimited
Bach Collegium Fort Wayne
Embassy Theatre Foundation
Environmental Education Association of Indiana
Fort Wayne Astronomical Society Fund
Fort Wayne Ballet Inc.
Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory
Fort Wayne Children’s Choir
Fort Wayne Cinema Center Inc.
Fort Wayne Museum of Art
Fort Wayne Philharmonic
Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society Inc.
Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation / Robert & Mary Beverforden Fund
Fort Wayne Parks & Recreation / Memorial Park Public
Fort Wayne Youtheatre / Sarah Shroyer Smith Fund
Friends of the Lincoln Collection of Indiana, Inc.
Heartland Sings
Little River Wetlands Project Inc. Servant Memorial Fund
Old Fort / Historic Fort Wayne
Project Ballet
World Baseball Academy, Inc.
*A nonprofit with an asterisk listed beside their name is NOT eligible for the 20% match because they follow a different spending policy than the Community Foundation. They are still eligible for the #GivingTuesdayFW Challenge surprise.
Community Transportation Network (CTN)
SEED/Fort Wayne Urban Enterprise Association
Friends of the Third World / Angeline Walczyk Friend of the Poor Legacy Fund
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Fort Wayne
The League
Mustard Seed Furniture Bank of Fort Wayne
Goodwill Industries / Robbins Fund for Client Services
Vincent Village
*A nonprofit with an asterisk listed beside their name is NOT eligible for the 20% match because they follow a different spending policy than the Community Foundation. They are still eligible for the #GivingTuesdayFW Challenge surprise.
Boy Scouts of America-Anthony Wayne Area Council*
Bookstart Fund**
Boys & Girls Club of Fort Wayne
Dave Hefner International Exchange Fund Inc.
Early Childhood Alliance
Fort Wayne Center for Learning
Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana
Harlan Christian Youth Center Inc.
Martin Luther King Montessori School
North Side High School Alumni Association
Questa Foundation for Education
Science Central
South Side High School Foundation
South Side HS Foundation GEMS
The Literacy Alliance
*A nonprofit with an asterisk listed beside their name is NOT eligible for the 20% match because they follow a different spending policy than the Community Foundation. They are still eligible for the #GivingTuesdayFW Challenge surprise.
Allen County CASA
Aging and In-Home Services
Allen County Jail Chaplaincy Inc.
AWS Foundation Endowment
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast IN
Camp Watcha-Wanna-Do Inc.
Cancer Services of Northeast Indiana*
The Carriage House
Center for Nonviolence
Community Harvest Food Bank
Crossroad Child & Family Services
Erin’s House for Grieving Children
Fort Wayne Medical Society Foundation*
Fort Wayne Medical Society Foundation / Vita McNair Bolman Fund*
Fort Wayne Rescue Mission Ministries Foundation Inc.
Healthier Moms & Babies / Jean Ford Memorial Endowment
Hoosiers Feeding the Hungry
Lutheran Social Services
Matthew 25 Inc.
McMillen Center for Health Education
Mental Health America of Northeast Indiana
Positive Resource Connection
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Indiana
Saint John the Baptist of Fort Wayne
St. Louis Besancon Academy*
Stillwater Hospice
Turnstone Center for Children & Adults with Disabilities
Women’s Care Center of Greater Allen County
YMCA Youth Development
YWCA Northeast Indiana
YWCA / Hope House Inc.
*A nonprofit with an asterisk listed beside their name is NOT eligible for the 20% match because they follow a different spending policy than the Community Foundation. They are still eligible for the #GivingTuesdayFW Challenge surprise.
#GivingTuesday is a global day of giving fueled by the power of social media and collaboration. Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving.
In short, an endowment is designed for permanency and long-term sustainability. This is typically achieved by preserving both the original contribution(s) and any subsequent contributions that are then invested for long-term growth. Generally, these funds are held by a qualified nonprofit organization or foundations as designated by the original donor(s). An endowment can grow through ongoing contributions and positive investment returns. A percentage of the earnings are used to advance the organization’s charitable mission.
There is instability in government grants, the transfer of generational wealth, and tax laws changing, so it’s important for a nonprofit to have a long-term sustainability plan. Nonprofits are doing such vital work and improving lives in our community, and we at the Community Foundation want to be a resource to help them in becoming sustainable for the long-term, a piece of which is endowment building.
Help your favorite nonprofit be sustainable for the future. Donate to their endowment today!
Resources for #GivingTuesday Challenge: