We help each person in our community feel mentally and physically healthy, with access to tools and resources to reach their highest potential.
Strategic areas of focus: Access to Care, Healthy Behaviors
Where we live should not determine how long or how well we live. In Allen County, we need conditions that enable us to live the healthiest life possible, with access to healthy food, quality healthcare, safe and stable housing, good jobs with fair wages, and safe places to exercise and play. Through our work, we continue to strive to remove barriers to health, providing opportunities to thrive. Below is a sample of what we achieve when we marry the generosity of our donors with the hard work of our community partners. With your help, we can do more.
What We’ve Done:
When everyone in our community has access to quality, affordable healthcare for both physical and mental health, our entire community thrives. This is why we’ve helped by:
- Long-time funder of programs dedicated to ensuring all Hoosiers have accessible healthcare coverage.
- Partnering with five other philanthropic entities in our community to establish the Operation Vaccination Fund to support the access and administration of COVID-19 vaccines. While the government provides the vaccine free of charge, communities are responsible for distribution with related administrative expenses.
- Active support for local health-focused nonprofits providing vital, effective preventative health education promoting physical, emotional, and social well-being.
Our community, along with our state, lag national public healthcare funding, including children’s health. We want to ensure that all children reach their full potential by creating a system of care where all kids in Allen County are physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy and educated to their highest potential.
Our Impact (All Dates Reflected Since 2019):
30+ organizations participating in healthy initiatives for children
$3.3 million in community grants supporting health & human services/basic needs