We work to build a culture of lifelong learning that helps people flourish, strengthening our workforce and increasing resiliency.
Strategic areas of focus: Access to Education and Learning Opportunities, Workforce and Education Connectivity, Developing a Skilled Workforce
Access to quality education at every age is a key value that, when addressed, assists a number of community challenges – from poverty and unemployment to third-grade reading scores and healthcare. Aiding the education of our community’s residents from infancy through adulthood continues to be a foundation in our initiatives and activities. Below is a sample of what we achieve when we marry the generosity of our donors with the hard work of our community partners. With your help, we can do more.
What We’ve Done:
When students feel more hopeful about their future, the more engaged and motivated they may be to stay in school and ultimately graduate. We’ve helped:
- Send high-achieving students to college through the administration of our scholarships.
- Provide 164 students a free ride to any Indiana college or university through our administration of the Lilly Scholarship since its inception.
- Nonprofits throughout the community with support for a number of tutoring programs from early education through adult education services.
Access to best-in-class education and learning opportunities helps ensure that all people in our community reach their full economic potential. We know that traditionally underserved students, including minorities and low-income students, are less likely to have access to strong teachers and challenging curricula and are more likely to be suspended, expelled, and drop out at higher rates. We’ve helped by:
- Establishing and implementing the Youth Empowered Philanthropy program. This program educates youth on the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors within our community. By developing leadership skills, building relationships with nonprofits through volunteer projects, learning about philanthropy, and being provided resources to give grants through a grantmaking process, students are empowered to make an impact within the community.
- Through the Children’s Health Collaborative, we’ve helped establish, staff, and provide tools for Regional Enrichment Centers for students who have fallen through the cracks of the education system during COVID-19. This is in support of students to earn the necessary credits they need to graduate high school.
- Supporting nonprofits throughout the community with a number of English as a Second Language (ESL) programs for our immigrant and refugee populations who tend to be some of the most under-resourced and under-supported in our community.
Our Impact (all dates reflected since 2019):
More than 500 Scholarships were awarded totaling $1.9 million
$1.3 million in community grants supporting education
1,468 credits recovered through school credit recovery programming