Enhancing Fundraising Expertise Locally

In late June, 33 participants from local nonprofits received their Certification in Fund Raising Management (CFRM) through a program hosted by the Community Foundation in partnership with the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. This biennial certification program equips participants with essential tools for effective funding appeals and solicitations. This year, Angela Stanley and Patty Dunn, two Community Foundation staff members completed their certification alongside the cohort. Patty Dunn, Women’s Fund Development Specialist, shares her experience with the course:

“Over the past four months, I’ve had the pleasure of obtaining my Certificate in Fund Raising Management through the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, hosted by the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne. Each month, our cohort from local and regional nonprofits dove into fundraising campaigns, developing strategies for annual sustainability and major gifts under the guidance of instructors with extensive executive leadership and fundraising experience. I’m grateful that both the Women’s Fund and the Community Foundation saw the value in investing in this training, and I’m impressed by the diverse representation of organizations in our cohort.

Each lesson built upon a strong foundation of fundraising principles and techniques laid out by our instructors. Engaging in thought-provoking group discussions, challenging exercises, and strategic planning sessions, we explored the ethics of fundraising, current trends in charitable giving, the importance of transparent communication, cross-department collaboration, and nonprofit governance and management.

As Hank Rosso, founder of The Fund Raising School, aptly put it, fundraising is ‘the gentle art of teaching the joy of giving.’ Throughout our time together, it was evident that my classmates were deeply passionate about their organizations and dedicated to their missions. While I’ve gained a comprehensive understanding of philanthropy, its principles, and best practices, my greatest takeaway has been witnessing the remarkable compassion and dedication of our community’s nonprofit professionals. They embody a profound love for their work and a powerful commitment to sharing stories of success. It’s through this sharing that we cultivate a culture of giving and intentionality.”

We look forward to seeing how our community’s nonprofits continue to thrive with the knowledge gained from this program. For those interested in joining us on this journey, please note that the next Certification in Fund Raising Management (CFRM) will be offered in 2026. Please mark your calendars and consider how this invaluable training can further empower your organization’s fundraising efforts.
