In December, we were excited to publicly announced our Collaborate for Change: Social Sector Ecosystem Strategy Report. The report is a collaborative effort between the Community Foundation, Transform Consulting Group, and more than 800 community stakeholders who provided feedback and research. The report highlights several key findings and identifies a new plan forward for the social sector, laying out four main goals, including increasing awareness of the social sector services, improving data and information sharing, strengthening infrastructure and collaboration, and ensuring equal access for all.
The big goal is to improve the social sector ecosystem by promoting the broader community impact nonprofits have in our community. Most of us are impacted by a nonprofit in some way — food, medicine, parks, trails, the theater, art, and sports to name a few. The plan also includes creating a more connected and supported system — improved internally through workgroups and increased opportunities for cross-sector communication and externally through increased infrastructure, innovation, and awareness of community resources. By ensuring that Allen County residents can access the services and resources they need to thrive, we believe we will see powerful changes in the community. This findings and recommendations in this report will guide a lot of our work with nonprofits in the social sector for the next 4 to 5 years.
Read the full Collaborate For Change: Social Sector Ecosystem Strategy Report.