The Community Foundation offers a range of grant programs aimed at bringing about positive change and impact, making our community a better place to live, work, and play. These grant opportunities enhance the lives of residents across Allen County and Northeast Indiana. Through the combined efforts of donors, nonprofits, and volunteers, the Community Foundation remains dedicated to improving lives throughout our community.
Equal Opportunity in Grantmaking
We believe that diversity and inclusion are essential to creating meaningful community impact. Our grants program is open to organizations of all sizes and individuals from all backgrounds, encompassing race, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, and more. We are committed to funding projects that reflect and celebrate the rich diversity within the communities we serve.
Rising Together Grants: Our “Let’s Rise!” Vision Plan resulted from rigorous strategic planning the Community Foundation embarked on in 2019. The Rising Together Grants align with our strategic plan and our vision for this Community to be a place where all our neighbors experience greater well-being and quality of life. These signature grants align with each pillar in our “Let’s Rise!” Vision Plan and are funded through the Paul Clarke Endowment and the Community Impact Fund. The grant cycle includes five windows; each window is aligned with a pillar. The Rising Together Grant Program is exclusively for operational funding. View the Rising Together Grant Guidelines for details on this program, including grant questions and the evaluation rubric used.
Applications open on the first of the month and are due by 11:59 PM EST on their due date. The exact dates are in the pillar descriptions below.
We affect change in our community by being an advocate for the underserved, instilling pride, and building relationships to create a sense of belonging. Examples of groups that fit this are organizations that support equity, access, civic engagement, pride in place, connectivity, and create a sense of belonging.
Application Opens: February 1
Application Deadline: March 1
Applications are due on their due date by 11:59 PM EST.
We help create an economy where every citizen has the opportunity for upward mobility and increased security, and is motivated to achieve their goals. Examples of groups that fit within this category are workforce development, housing, and basic needs.
Application Opens: April 1
Application Deadline: May 1
Applications are due on their due date by 11:59 PM EST.
We work to Build a culture of lifelong learning that helps people flourish, strengthening our workforce and increasing resiliency. Examples of groups that fit within this category are education, after-school programs, and adult learning.
Application Opens: June 1
Application Deadline: July 1
Applications are due on their due date by 11:59 PM EST.
We provide resources and support to create a community filled with spaces that engage, connect and energize residents and visitors. Examples of groups that fit within this category are arts, environment, and community development.
Application Opens: August 1
Application Deadline: September 1
Applications are due on their due date by 11:59 PM EST.
We help each person in our community feel mentally and physically healthy, with access to tools and resources to reach their highest potential. Examples of groups that might fit within this category are healthcare, mental health, food and fitness, and basic needs.
Application Opens: October 1
Application Deadline: November 1
Applications are due on their due date by 11:59 PM EST.
Agile Grants: Agile Grants provide up to $20,000 in funding to support innovative programs. These grants are specifically for program-related funding and cannot be used for operational expenses. If your organization has received a Rising Together grant this year and you apply for an Agile Grant, your application will only be considered if it is for a new program or a significant enhancement to an existing program. Organizations not receiving a Rising Together grant this year may apply for funding to support either a new or existing program. Applications are accepted from March through October. Agile Grants are made possible by donors who have established funds to support specific interest areas within our community. For more details, including application questions and the evaluation rubric, please review the Agile Grant Guidelines.
Engage Grants: Engage Grants provide up to $3,000 in funding to first-time applicants for operational support or specific programs. This program is designed for organizations that are new to our foundation and have never received a grant from us before. Applications are accepted from March through October. Engage Grants are made possible by donors who have established funds to support specific interest areas within our community. For more details, including application questions and the evaluation rubric, please review the Engage Grant Guidelines.
Emergency Grants: The Emergency Grant Program is designed to support nonprofits with unexpected expenses that impact their ability to meet their mission. An Emergency Grant can help an organization manage an unbudgeted, unforeseen, and time-sensitive emergency. Emergency Grants may also be used as relief in the wake of community disasters such as a tornado, flood, etc. Emergency Grants are available year-round. The Community Foundation recognizes that some emergencies must be addressed and paid for immediately. In certain circumstances, Emergency Grants can be granted as reimbursements for situations that are no more than 14 days post-emergency. View the Emergency Grant Guidelines for details on this program, including grant questions and the evaluation rubric used.
Foundation-Guided Grants: The Community Foundation manages grant applications for multiple Foundations and Funds. Each Foundation and Fund has specific application requirements and a distinct area of focus.
For more than thirty years, Barbara Burt demonstrated outstanding commitment to and leadership of Allen County charitable and philanthropic organizations. To celebrate the contributions Mrs. Burt made to the leadership of nonprofit organizations, both public charities and private philanthropy, the Foellinger Foundation Board of Directors established the Barbara Burt Innovative Leader Fund. Find out more!
The purpose of the Fund is to encourage exceptional nonprofit board governance, support adaptive thinking within nonprofit organizations, and promote exchanges about best leadership styles and practices within nonprofit organizations.
The Do it Best Foundation is proud to partner with the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne to enhance the intake, review, and distribution of their grants. The Do it Best Foundation is focused on funding projects, programs, and initiatives that support health and wellness, youth enrichment, the arts, and the community in the places their team lives, works, and plays. They do not fund event sponsorships or general operating expenses. Find out more!

The Luminous Fund is proud to partner with the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne. The Luminous Fund is a donor advised fund and uses the Community Foundation to streamline the investment process and the distribution of their grants. The Luminous Fund is interested in funding specific programs and innovative new efforts. They will not fund general operating expenses. Find out more!
The PHP Foundation is dedicated to building healthier communities by addressing the health and wellness needs of low-income, high-risk individuals in the neighborhoods that we serve. The PHP Foundation offers grants to tax-exempt, private and non-profit organizations in Northern Indiana counties that provide needed healthcare services to those in need. Find out more!
The August Tomusk Foundation, established in 1990, is dedicated to the advancement of patient care, education and research in cardiothoracic surgery, vascular surgery, cardiovascular medicine, and transplantation. Find out more!
The goal of the Schwab Foundation is to support career education and career exploration programs that enable students to make informed career decisions. The Schwab Foundation funds programs with clearly defined goals, objectives/outcomes, and sound evaluation plans. In some cases, the Schwab Foundation is also willing to consider funding for planning grants and/or carefully controlled innovative pilot programs. Find out more!
The Donald F. Wood and Darlene M. Richardson Foundation focuses on community assistance for health and welfare as well as supporting educational opportunities for specialized and at-risk individuals in Northeast Indiana. Find out more!

To learn more, please contact:
Alison Gerardot, CFRM
Chief Impact Officer
[email protected]

Angela Stanley
Director of Impact
[email protected]
You can also contact another member of the Community Impact team.