Let’s make impact together.
If you want more information about the impact we make in the community, or want to share it, you have come to the right place. Here you will find our most up-to-date publications, newsletters, press releases, and resources for media and friends of the Community Foundation.
Annual Reports:
Newsletters: The Community Foundation has various newsletters to best inform our different audiences.
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I am involved in the nonprofit community and I would like to connect regularly with the Community Foundation. Sign up now!
Promotional Guidelines:
Logos: You may download our logos at the links below. Contact us for additional file types or information. Download our logo usage guidelines.
Our name: Our name should appear as Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne. The name does not include “the” and should not have a capital “T” if “the” is used prior to the name, unless it is beginning a sentence. “CFGFW” can be used sparingly when tight space warrants abbreviation.
Promoting Your Grant: Congratulations on receiving a Community Foundation grant! We encourage you to share the news of this grant to spread the word about the essential work you are doing in our community.
In all materials, describe your funding as a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne. When applicable, please acknowledge the individual funds that have made your grant possible, as well as the Community Foundation. The name of the funds that provided your grant are listed in your grant payment letter.
The XYZ project was made possible by a grant from the Isaac Campbell Kidd Fund at the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne.
We ask that you reference the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne in the provided language below whenever referring to your grant from the Community Foundation.
- 1st reference to CFGFW: This project was funded (or funded in part) by a grant from the Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne.
- Subsequent References: The grant from the Community Foundation helped us to x, y, and z.
News releases: Please use the following description of the Community Foundation in press releases and other write-ups about topics pertaining to our work.
The Community Foundation of Greater Fort Wayne does three things: help people make their charitable giving more impactful, connect resources to nonprofits through grantmaking and education, and provide leadership to address community needs. The organization connects people and resources daily to build a more vibrant community. As of December 31, 2023, the Community Foundation held approximately $221 million in charitable assets and awarded over $10.6 million in grants and scholarships. Since its formation in 1922, the Community Foundation has awarded more than $194 million in charitable grants. For more information, visit the Community Foundation’s website at www.cfgfw.org.

To learn more, please contact:
Colleen Helmken
Director of Marketing & Communications
[email protected]
You can also contact another member of our Philanthropic Services team.